
What's New

What’s New2018-06-04T12:16:51-05:00

Protect Health Care for Children and Families!

Two months have now passed since Congress let funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) expire and 9 million children and their parents are still waiting for funding to be extended. Sadly, once again children are being held hostage to political debates. Created specifically for children, CHIP’s benefits and provider networks ensure children in working families with higher income eligibility than Medicaid have access to child-appropriate services, providers, specialists, and facilities. The historically strong bipartisan support for CHIP continues with a commitment to a strong five-year extension of CHIP, but politics, other priorities and disagreements over pay-fors have kept Congress from moving forward on CHIP.  As a result, agencies and families are truly in crisis mode as states are being forced to use dwindling dollars to plan to shut down their programs and families just at holiday time are being warned they might lose the health care their children depend on to survive and thrive.  Congress must move CHIP forward now. Please call (877) 233-9025 TODAY and urge your Senators and Representatives to pass a strong, five-year extension of CHIP NOW that is not accompanied by harmful offsets. We’re so close to the finish line. There is bipartisan support for CHIP and 9 million children and families are counting on it.

Learn more about the threats to programs that children and families rely on to strive and thrive in the below resources.

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